Monthly Archives: July 2012

Summer Fun Part 1


Here are just a few pics from our summer so far! Captions later…I accidentally published this from my phone :/ I can figure out how to write the intro…but am too tired to update pic info from my phone tonight!

Hmm…OK…time has passed…I think the coffee I had a couple of hours ago to fight off a migraine just kicked in. I guess I could take out the above paragraph…but didn’t! Sillier this way…

The whole famdamily together for a picture! If we’re Facebook friends you may have seen the non-goofy version of this pic. I happen to like the goofy version. 🙂


Dave and I celebrated our 6th anniversary by treating ourselves to brunch at Le Central. Yummy!!


This was the first time I ever successfully baked a chicken without some kind of disaster! Next I’ll tackle deviled eggs. Still couldn’t make those to save my life…


Week 6 of running…but day one of 1/2 Marathon training! Rest assured I’ll blog about that later!


I only threw this in because I got this outfit for something like $5 total (top and shorts) at the ARC store tonight! It’s the first tank I think I’ll ever wear out in public! Pictures of sunburn coming soon…


Just a pretty shot of some clouds I took with my phone.


Timmy doing what he does best…relaxing. He didn’t care it was about 80 in the house…Maybe it was cooler this day? Yea…I think it probably was…ya know…maybe only 75.


The yummy breakfast thing I cooked from Clean Eating magazine!
