Monthly Archives: December 2012

Holiday Roundup


Howdy folks! Time for a quick little roundup of Holiday’ish pics! I’ve really been enjoying the break from work and the break from homework the past few days. I haven’t done much of anything!!! Waking up at 6:00am and not being able to be in sweats all day will be a shock to my system later this week…that’s for sure. I’ll also have to break my addiction to the Brave Temple Run and the Disney Monsters, Inc. run iphone games!!!!  Well, actually, I am going to go run soon 😉 so I haven’t exactly been a complete couch potato. I actually woke up last Saturday at 6:00am, found a 10k race at 9:00 am and ran it. The race was called the Christmas Carol Classic and they had opera singers singing carols for you along the route.  I was slow as molasses…but I finished, and didn’t finish last. 😉 I think my official time was 1:16. I could see my 5k time as I finished the first loop…and actually shaved about a minute off of my 5k time since my last race. Yippee!!! I was number 526 or so out of 557’ish. Still, not bad for a spur of the moment type thing…especially for this asthmatic newbie runner. It was my first 10k…so lots of room for improvement.  (The run was a qualifying run for the Boulder Bolder, so there were a lot of serious runners there.) Definitely got lapped by the guy who won the race..he was speedy. (You did the same loop 2x).

OH! And one of the goofiest things to happen…I apparently won an Instagram contest…but didn’t see the message letting me know I won and they needed my contact info…until 5 months AFTER I won the contest. Bummer!!! I would have won tickets to a Matisyahu concert and a chance to meet him backstage, a signed copy of his newest CD and would have had my pic printed on canvas by the company sponsoring the contest. Oh…such a classic Heather move!!! To be honest though, it was really just pretty darn cool to know that one of my photos was a finalist in a contest. It was this one:


I hope you all had a wonderful…whatever holiday you do or don’t celebrate…for me, Christmas! Wishing you all the very best in the New Year!

Sick Days


I think this is the first time ever in my life that I’ve actually used all of my sick days. Years ago, someone at work gave me a report about how many hours of unused sick time I would have accrued  – had sick time accrued. It was a couple hundred hours way back then…can’t imagine what it would be up to now. No one major illness, just plenty of small, buggy days or days when I decided I didn’t want to get everyone else sick even though I was stubborn enough to trudge on through whatever needed to be done. Even I have come to realize that one may not do ones best work when one has the sniffles, a voice that sounds like a deranged chipmunk and a slight fever. I’m at the stage now where I’m feeling better and am a little stir-crazy, but my body still wants to sleep. Mind and body are at odds. Seeing as I just had breakfast and coffee, I decided to take advantage of this brief burst of between nap time energy and share some of the late summer pics that make me smile. Also…even if it is a blog post at least I’ll feel like I accomplished something today!

I love the Gibbons at the Zoo! They are getting braver and braver and venturing further from their home base. It’s been fun to see them explore their new surroundings.


Rooftop sculpture at the Metropolital Museum of Art. Tomas Saraceno’s Cloud City. I sat in the rooftop garden and did homework while Dave attended a conference. (The helpful WordPress recommended links feature want to link Cloud City to a reference about Star Wars…awesome, but wrong. I did it anyway. Here is a real link to the Artist’s info: Tomas Saraceno.


Dave running through the Met after his conference session ended for the day. At least I think this was the Met…for all I know this could be an old picture from the DAM that I jut found…


My homage to “I am Legend“. Waiting to meet my cousin for a Jazz Brunch.




It’s so dark in the background that you can’t tell we’re at Casa Bonita. For my birthday. Good cheesy fun!


Max and I napping in the car while Dave is at the Kansas City Art Museum. We made a quick stop there on the drive back to my dad and step-mom’s house for Thanksgiving.


View from the house my Mom and step-dad rented for Thanksgiving. So peaceful. I miss moisture.


What I would have worn for Halloween if we had dressed up for Halloween.


…and…the most gigantic bag of Gummy Bears I have ever seen in my life. Who needs this many gummy bears. No, we did not purchase the gigantoid bag of gummy bears…)


Wow…OK…tired….off for nap number two of the day and here’s to hoping I sound like a human when I wake up.