Author Archives: TNThmc

About TNThmc

I'm just one of the Team Captains for Team Rocky Mountain Relentless. We are going to raise $100,000 to help. kick. cancer. to. the. curb.

Friends and Family


For the second year in a row, I’ve been privileged to spend my birthday with friends and family! 

The first pic below is from when I ran my last half marathon. This year I’m training for a full…but my birthday coincided with a rest day! The rest of the pics are from today and the days leading up to today! 

I’m so lucky to have all of you in my life!!! Thank you for being there for me through all of life’s ups and downs. #goteam

Love, Heather! 

I ran for my Grandma Ham last year. This year I’m running for the mom of a friend, Grandma Ham, Dave’s grandma Pearl, tins of other people important to my people…and for the friends and family of people no longer with us. 

Finding My Tribes


Life is good, but sometimes you have little slumps. I’ve been slumpy lately, but am pulling out of it. One of the big things motivating me to look forward to an un-slumpy future was a trip to Boca Raton for the Appreciative Advising Institute #AAI2016! More about that later once I’ve had more time to process. It all still feels a little raw, but that’s not a bad thing. Let’s just say it was amazing and just what I needed. It filled my cup 😉 (You know what I’m talking about if you were there!)

So, for now. Here’s a bit about part of my journey – the tangible actual there and back again journey. The mental, emotional, professional life journey will be a separate post!

Empty suitcase – endless possibilities. It’s been way too long since I traveled. I used to just zip, zip zip and fill up a suitcase. I kept getting side tracked. It took me forever but I got everything to fit and didn’t forget my swimsuit. (Although it ended up being unused.)

…even Andy Bear made the trip- my good luck teddy bear!! Yes. I’m 42 and travel with a teddy bear. Don’t judge me. There’s actually a whole huge family story and family history with this bear.

The shirt I wanted to wear but chickened out from packing. I love my thrift store finds!

The shirt I actually wore on the plane! Felt super proud to be representing my home state at this conference.

…and…the adventure. There were snags, but United handled everything wonderfully, they found a qualified co pilot after only a short delay, the firetrucks that met us after our air return 10 minutes out of the Denver airport only ended up having to escort us not douse us with flame retardant and whatever else they use….ya. That kind of journey to Florida. I was honestly so refreshed and amazed at the fact that the hundreds of passengers on the plane really behaved well, didn’t cause scenes, and laughed, joked and helped each other out through 5 hours of delays and a little bit of a scary (smoke in the cabin) situation!

Now to the things I’m amazed I did portion of my trip.  Taking an Uber. It was seriously a big deal for me. Being a strong introvert going to a conference with lots of interaction and small groups… Well, thinking about that wore me out! I was pretty nervous about having a roommate in the dorm but signed up for the dorm anyway. Huge win for me.

I was tired and could easily have eaten junk food, but didn’t. Doubly amazed because I had to walk to Whole Foods and back in the Florida heat and humidity – 5 miles round trip. I needed the miles anyway!

I talked on occasion in my small group! I was pretty tired. Exhausted really the first two days. I was glutened at the Denver airport first thing on the trip and then discovered I’m pretty much allergic to Florida. At one point I was close to showing someone how to use my epipen just in case. Mold…grrrrrr! The first day or so was an antihistamine and inhaler filled fog of dizziness and coffee. Even then, I was able to take things in and keep smiling, enjoying and learning.

…and I even rallied enough energy to be social. GASP! I know!!!!! Wow!!!

I didn’t get to go see the beach because I made the decision to get a treadmill run in. But I did get some amazing seafood!! I’ll just have to go back to FL soon to go to the beach!

And one of the coolest things is…all those worries about having a roommate. Unfounded. I know…you all would have told me that from the start! Roomie and I were on the same flight back to Denver, too, and arranged to have our seats next to each other. The Uber driver to the airport kept saying, as we animatedly chatted on the drive, “You guys just met?” “Really…you guys didn’t know each other before?” OH…and we even colored one night. Because of course, essential conference packing involves a 74 colored pencil set and a motivational coloring book!

Ok. Yep…was going to write more about the conference but am still a little overwhelmed in a good way by all of the positivity and wonderful people I met. OK. Whew. Yep…coming back to this one. (This introvert needs more processing time!) Let’s just say #besthumansever and I’m feeling so refreshed and can’t wait to keep in touch with this new tribe of mine!

As soon as I got home I hung out a bit with one of my other tribes at a pizza fundraiser. I’m so blessed to have all of these wonderful, amazing, strong, powerful people in my life.

Before this conference I knew I had a lot of wonderful, amazing, caring, people in my life, but looked on it as kind of this fleeting, little pocket of luckiness I had stumbled upon. Now I believe I can go out and find my tribes and its not just me (individually) doing this “thing”…I feel the power of togetherness. Instead of seeing me as just one distinct little piece doing my own thing for the great good…I see and feel everyone lifting me up when I need it and surrounding me with love, hope and happiness…and feel the strength of my muscles and arms and legs, my heart and my brain providing support to all of these other wonderful people when they need it. I need you guys and am so grateful we found each other.

Also…Thanks Coach Jeff if you’re reading this! I said thank you last night for the encouragement. It’s really, really, really, really, really been life changing and has helped me so much on this journey to battle my depression and anxiety and to find my confidence again! You see the change…don’t minimize how you helped me get there!

So I challenge you…go find your tribes. If you read this…tell me in the comments who they are. Tell them who they are, too! Being told I was part of a tribe (or a family or whatever word resonates with you) is one of the things that helped me change my perspective from being one piece of something….to being something (Hope that makes sense!)


Oh yes…and ummmm…help me fight cancer here!   I’ll be updating this blog with a running update soon!


Me: Ooooooh no! We’re out of milk. I could have gotten some at the store last night! 

Dear Husband: I know…I didn’t realize that either. It’s alright. 

Me:[said very forcefully like a 2 year old objecting to something] It is NOT alright. It is NOT (stamps foot). 

Then we both erupted in fits of laughter. My happy moment for the morning. I’m drinking my coffee black today people! Whoa….I’m a grownup!  


Morning Coffee

I started a beauty blog…no really, I did! 


Here’s the deal, though. You want to see it, I really know you do! If you’re resourceful, you might be able to find it on your own. But remember, I’m also fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. You wanna see the Beauty blog you gotta pay up (I mean help fight cancer, support research and let patients and families know you’ve got their back!) 

Here’s the link to my “let’s kick cancers butt together” fundraising site:

Help Fight Cancer Here

Totally the face of a beauty blogger, right! And seriously, how many of you have ever really seen me in a lot of makeup?!? 

If I can raise $500 in additional funds in my account by the end of the month I’ll publish the blog link. If not…well…not gonna happen!  

I know not everyone can donate. That’s ok! Just share my fundraising page, help me get the word out and send me some words of encouragement! Or-if you have an idea for a fundraiser, own a business that could donate gifts in kind or help host an event-that works too. (I’ll love you forever!) 

My goal is to raise $2500 and I’m about $2100 away right now….eeeek! 

Accidentally Posh…am I doing this right? 


 So…one of the little things that surprisingly has helped me push back my depression has been my monthly Birchbox subscription. Fun little packets and of hair oils, makeup samples and skin treatments.  (Thanks for renewing my subscription mom!) I don’t know how to use some of the stuff and am too stubborn to read the directions!  I have fun playing though. 

And…since I’m experiencing some kind of sudden and surprising massive reprieve/remission from some of my “blues” right now, I decided to have some fun. Not sure how long this will last…but I’m not thinking about that! I finally pulled out the red (Cozy Crimson)  POP lipstick I got one month. I didn’t smear it all over my face, I didn’t get it on my teeth and it lasted a long time. Win win! 

 This isn’t about The look or the makeup people…it’s about confidence! I felt ok doing something that didn’t make me blend in! Confidence…what a foreign concept! It felt really odd…


I even debated pinning my hair back, but that was too much for one day…slightly overwhelming.  That’ll be for another day! 

Now, this isn’t to say I have to use makeup to feel pretty.  I’m completely fine going out like this (no makeup…air dried hair).

 That red lipstick was a visual benchmark that I’m winning this battle for mental health. I tried something new. I felt self conscious, but didn’t wipe it off. This was a huge step! It’s the little things, the collection of little things like this that help me gain momentum! Suck it, depression. You’re going down!!